Rhode Island Elder Care Lawyer Blog

Empowering Seniors To Take Control

The Johnston Senior Center recently teamed up with the Centers for Medicare & Medicare Services (CMS) to host an information session aimed at empowering seniors to take control of their health care, through information and tools to protect them against Medicare fraud.

According to the Johnston Sun Rise, the event “aimed to give Medicare recipients an opportunity to learn about the common scams criminals use to obtain personal information, which often leads to identify theft.”

Among the tips shared at the event:

  • Medicare will never call you and ask for personal information over the phone, or send their officials to your door unannounced. Don’t ever disclose personal information over the phone – just hang up if someone tries to pressure you.
  • Treat your Medicare and Social Security cards as you would your credit card – keep your numbers private, and carry them only when needed. Only show them to your healthcare providers.
  • Always check your monthly Medicare statements for accuracy. Report any concerns immediately.

With almost 200,000 Medicare recipients in Rhode Island, these are messages that should be repeated widely and often.

Categories: Medicaid & Medicare

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